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Positive impact of piggery project at Family level

  • March 23rd, 2020

In order to improve family’s livelihoods, domestic animals   that include pigs were distributed to HoF beneficiaries. This is not only in the context of HoF’s relentless efforts of reducing family poverty   but also traditional context of Rwanda: raising a domestic animal is a source of income and above all, self-esteem.

In August 2019, Hope of Family distributed 20 pigs to 20 households located in Shyogwe sector, Muhanga district .In the same line of thought, the essence of this activity was to support family beneficiaries raise their family income that should absolutely impact positively on their children’s grades and family welfare entirely. Now, piggery project is both at promising and production stage: 5 pigs have already farrowed and more pigs are producing piglets in a very near future. This project is gradually becoming successful and testimonies of one of HoF beneficiaries can easily confirm this:

My family is now confident because of this piggery project become the resource of generating family income and Manures. My family is now able to easily make more fertile my kitchen garden such that my family can easily afford on time green vegetables. This time when my pig has just farrowed 3 piglets, I will be able to take them to the market and money earned will be used to purchase school materials and payment the school frees “reported by BIZIYAREMYE Celestin, one of HoF’s beneficiaries.

Hope of Family staff and beneficiaries will continue to work closely towards the most important cause: reduce extreme family poverty with better and timely involvement in their children education. We don’t doubt this is one of the most important activities to improve their beneficiaries’ socio- economic standards.

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