We are Equivalency Determination (ED) certified by NGOsource

Our Objectives

Provide wrap-around support to children from family beneficiaries.

1. Provide wrap-around support to children from family beneficiaries.

This wrap-around support goes both to families and children. Happy family is in good position to influence successful children’s primary school education. The support includes mutual health insurance, provision of arable land through renting, improving housing conditions moderately, animal husbandry support. It also involves long- term project to secure their livelihood in the future

Improve children’s basic education performance by involving more their parents.

2. Improve children’s basic education performance by involving more their parents.

This involves provision of school equipment (books, notebooks, pens, uniforms, book bag). It also caters for parents’ understanding of education and how best to support their children in the school success. In this context, Hope of Family has developed a module to use in the parental coaching and this happens on the weekly basis. Hope of Family considers, with minimal intervention, formal classroom aspect of scaling up teachers’ professionalism to better integrate children from low-income families in the class context.

Promote adult literacy and capacity building among the beneficiaries

3. Promote adult literacy and capacity building among the beneficiaries

Members of Hope of Family community who can’t neither read nor write are encouraged and supported to go to community literacy schools. Hope of Family values collaboration with adults ’literacy schools run by other organizations based in the zone of operations.

Support families' initiatives for their social economic welfare

4. Support families' initiatives for their social economic welfare

Hope of Family assists beneficiaries in improving their social and economic well-being by implementing income-generating activities, establishing community-based health insurance, distributing hygiene and sanitation materials, distributing communication tools (radios and mobile phones), establishing a kitchen garden, and renovating family homes.